Apostle Natasha will be hosting, an online Selichot repentance and prayer, Zoom Meeting at 19:30.
Everyone that would like to join is welcome.
Meeting Protocol:
It is our recommendation to a covering prayer before entering the Zoom Call. We recommend that you use the Repentance Book (see from page 40)
Below is an example of a covering prayer, you can use this and add whatever the Holy Spirit shows you to pray.
Lord, I come to lay down my life as a reasonable service and living sacrifice as per Romans 12:1. I am here to agree with the testimony of Jesus Christ for my life, for generations and for nations. I am willing to repent of whatever you reveal to us Lord. I am willing to give up all the ungodly inheritance and anointing’s on my father’s bloodline (give his full name) and my mother’s bloodline (give her full name) all the way back to Adam and I agree with the Blood of the Lamb and the Cross of Calvary. Lord, may the Blood of Jesus cover all of my life, my family, extended family, children, grandchildren, all business and finances, pets, homes and everything pertaining to my household. I thank you for hiding us in you Lord Jesus. I declare the battle is yours Lord, and I am here to agree with you, so I bow and come to worship you with all my heart, and ask that you Lord would be magnified in me, my family and the nations represented by us in Jesus name. Amen
Zoom Details:
House Of Ariel Gate is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Selichot Zoom Prayer Meeting
Time: Sep 13, 2023 07:30 PM Johannesburg
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 962 7278 8700
Passcode: 251750