8 – 12 April 2019

Croatia is a nation that Apostle Natasha Grbich has waited to visit for the gospel for a very long time.  Apostle Franz Lippi from Austria, an apostolic network leader for the Balkans kindly arranged various meetings within Croatia for her.

We left Austria early Monday morning and drove about 6 hours to our first stop, this was:  


In Vukovar we were welcomed with great excitement by Suncica and team.  She explained that when they heard that Apostle Natasha was coming to visit, they looked for more information about her and found The House of Ariel Gate’s YouTube Channel and were so impacted with the teachings that they already started translating the video’s – with Croatian translation for people in her group to follow.   Suncica also advised that she had invited a few leaders to meet Apostle Natasha and was blown away by an unexpected favourable response.  She was pleasantly shocked that 28 leaders responded and were ready to meet that evening.  

WOW, what a start to our trip!!!

That first evening we met with the leaders and they asked Apostle Natasha to speak, and share what God has placed on her heart.  She talked for about 2 hours, had a break and then they wanted more…  She talked for about another hour, before it was decided that it was getting late and some people still had to work the next day.  A request was made to meet with Pastors and leaders for lunch the next day.

The pastors arrived with questions, requests and a hunger for what God had to say through Apostle Natasha for the nation.  It was agreed at the lunch table that during that evening Apostle would minister again in Osijek another city nearby, (about an hour away from Vukovar), and she would give a practical demonstration on her teachings.

in Osijek, the evening session started with the subject of Protocol. Apostle Natasha spoke on the importance of Protocol and that you can only do as much as you are mandated to do – if you move out of that mandate you will experience problems…This was a requested subject and seemed to help the leaders and people present.

We finished with demonstrating a practical Bloodline session by using the Repentance – Cleansing Your Generational Bloodline Book as a basis.  People were astonished as they said that they had never seen anything like it before.

The request was made for more training in this area and they would love Apostle Natasha to return to teach them more.  They also requested Apostle Natasha’s approval to start translating the books in Croatian, as that will assist people to have more understanding – the hunger for the Word is so great.  Being in an area with the history of many WARS, they understand that there is a different level of Spiritual Warfare required than what is currently available in their region.

The next morning we where on the road for 9 hours on our way to Makarska:

Podgora & Makarska

Here we where met with Pastor Vicenco & Mirella who hosted us in their holiday home.  We had the opportunity to pray for them and the work that they are doing in the area.


In Split we were hosted by Pastor Dragana,we were greeted by about 10 different leaders in the area and Apostle Natasha shared with them the message that she brought for them and also did a practical demonstration, with the visions received for the area. During the lunch break we were introduced to some of Croatia’s incredible cuisine.  Apostle Natasha continued after lunch with an second session.

The next day we started a 6 hour journey back to Austria, Graz.

We would like say “Thank You” to everyone that helped in the organising and planning of the trip. To our tour-guide / driver Samoel, for always being ready to take us wherever we needed to be, and to all our new friends.  Thank You so much for the opportunity to spend time with you!

May God Bless Croatia Greatly!!