13 – 16 April 2019

Apostle Franz Lippi invited Apostle Natasha to  B.L.A.S.T. (Balkan Loving Apostolic Serving Team) and we stayed at their ministry house,  Blast Hill.

Apostle Franz is part of the founding team of Exousia Christian Fellowship in Graz / Austria which is now lead by Elisabeth (Lisa) & Werner Seebacher.  They invited Apostle Natasha to minister to their congregation and she shared the False/Cheap Grace message infiltrating the Christian world and made a call to stand for the Great Commission : “To Make Disciples Of All Nations”.  She  quoted from Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s book, The Cost Of Discipleship: “Cheap grace is the grace we bestow on ourselves…. the preaching of forgiveness without requiring repentance, baptism without church discipline, communion without confession.  Cheap grace is grace without discipleship…”  

Blast Hill is a house where people from many nations assemble. Austria, Croatian, Hungary, Afghanistan, China, Germany and many more…  I have never heard so many languages in one setting, in each corner a different translation was simultaneously happening in every service.  

On the Monday evening, we continued the ministry of the word with a call to become a house of prayer for all nations, explaining that they are already had so many nations coming to them and the outflow should result in intercessory prayer for all these nations.  She released an impartation for travailing intercession which was well received by everyone! for them!

We look forward to hear what God does for BLAST and for Exousia in the days and months to come!!

On a lighter note:
We were taken to Almenland Nature Reserve with breath taking scenery and fresh snow from the night before and we had the pleasure of being toured through Graz by Apostle Franz’s wife, Gerlinda, who clearly has a passion for her area.  There are so many hidden treasures in Graz, Austria is truly a picturesque nation!!