Your Sacrifice

$ 8

Dr Heard gives a passionate and heart rending message on sacrifice as the currency of the spirit dimension. He explains that sacrifices move things beyond the veil and causes things to happen in a dimension we can not see. Dr Heard teaches from 1 Samuel 6:10-16,  the story of the  Israelites losing the Ark of the covenant to the Philistines.

During this period the tables were turned in favour of the enemy under the leadership of the high priest of the time, Eli.  However, the sacrifice of two milk cows tilted the table in the right direction and set the course for Israel for a 20 year transition period to revival under the leadership of the prophet Samuel.

God didn’t have a man, a tribe or a people to appeal to, and He asked this question: “is there any one who will sacrifice for me?” Two milk cows answered His appeal by sacrificing their lives in Israel.

This message imparts the heart of God, it will change you! Highly recommended!

Recorded in Johannesburg, South Africa,

House of Ariel Gate 25 – 29 April 2018 – The People Of His Name Convention


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