We are using the book by Sandie Freed – Conquering The Antichrist Spirit* as a guideline and for informational purposes. (Refer page 206 & 207)
Read: Proverbs 3:3-12
Repent for:
- Not binding mercy and truth upon our necks and on our hearts.
- Trusting in our own strength
- Leaning on our own understanding/wrong belief systems
- Giving our own direction and receiving direction/doctrine from antichrist spirit
- Having our own wisdom and form of godliness
- No fear of the Lord
- Unforgiveness
- Dead works
Then pray through this scripture and ask the Lord to set us in this truth and to bring healing to our navel /sinew/muscles and marrow/refreshing to our bones.
*Conquering The Antichrist Spirit, Sandie Freed, Chosen Books a division of Baker Publishing Group