We are using the book by Sandie Freed – Conquering The Antichrist Spirit* as a guideline and for informational purposes. 

Seven represents perfection and God is perfecting each of us back to His image.  An antichrist spirit is bent towards “perfectionism”, measuring up to a standard and your works.  The religious spirit and the antichrist spirit work together in this system.”          Page 207 Conquering the Antichrist Spirit*.

Religious mindsets in us, hinder our progression in the Kingdom of God.  It takes us into deception and an antichrist belief system is grown in our thinking which produces an antichrist theology in us.

Read:  Mathew 24:4-5 and v23-24,  1 John 2:18,  2 Thessalonians 2:8 -10

Let us repent for:

  • Eating and drinking of doctrines of the religious spirit
  • Allowing an image to be formed in us from the religious spirit
  • Not seeking after Christ and His truth to be formed in us
  • The broken parts in us allowed a spirit of error to find a home. Let’s repent and ask the Lord to heal all these places in us so we can love His truth and seek after Him whole-heartedly.
  • Repent for opposing the Kingdom of God and bending others/church/nations into a bent word.
  • Repent for being part of bringing ungodly structures into our family, community, church and nation which are against the Kingdom of God and therefore are part of the structure of the antichrist to build a different kingdom.



*Conquering The Antichrist Spirit, Sandie Freed, Chosen Books a division of Baker Publishing Group