This year will certainly go down in history as a distinctively different year, marking a whole new season not just for the church of the Lord Jesus Christ, but for the entire globe! We have had to learn new things and unlearn some old ways to keep communicating with the Body of Christ in the local and international arenas. In conclusion, we have come to trust that the Lord will have His redefinition of how He wants His church to look, also very importantly how His church needs to respond to crises in prayer, in fact, that the Lord will have a reformation, of what is the most essential elements of the church according to Him! The shift will forever mark us all. The shift will also forever change our perspectives on what we have thought of or even relied upon, as many of those landmarks are no longer there at all. The personal relationship with God has become the main element, everything else should serve that – the grace gifts are there to grow everyones relationship with their Saviour to a more mature place. That is what it should look like. That is what is essential. The props are gone, the stage no longer exists. It’s you and your Lord – is He just your Saviour or is He in fact Lord of everything in your life?
As we were rudely introduced to the shock of no meetings, no gatherings, we had to rethink how to approach church, training, preaching, prayer etc. We had to suddenly learn how to be an “online” family, as we began to hold our meetings as prayer meetings on Zoom for the first 21 days of the Covid lockdown (at noon daily) then went on to 70 days, we were surprised to see the immediate response. We took a break after the first 70 days and then aimed for 40 days before the Jewish New Year or Rosh Hashanah – we are still now on zoom praying through for the American elections. We started to do some of the meetings with fasting, and then continued as the Holy Spirit lead us.
Currently we are now over 142 days on zoom for this year and counting. This online experience has become an awesome time to connect to different nations all over the globe – we found kindred spirits who share the same passion for intercession as the House. God gave us opportunities to connect to those whom we have not previously had the opportunity to connect with and it does feel like we are a bigger family praying as a united front from all the different continents for Jesus Christ to receive the reward of His suffering.
From the start of lockdown we have been in online Zoom prayer and till December we have already spent more than two third’s of the whole 2020 year in prayer! For the normal church goer who attends every Sunday sermon for example – they would be in church for about 52 Sundays – that is not including the Wednesday and Sunday meetings and the schools we did at the beginning of the year :
- Fire Up House Meeting – January 2020
- Training Day: Redeeming The Land – January 2020
- Repentance School – Durban, February 2020
- Repentance School – Johannesburg, February 2020
- Training Day: Giving And Sacrifices That Please God – February 2020
- Repentance School – Bloemfontein, March 2020
- Repentance School – Johannesburg, March 2020
As you can see for those who have been with the ministry throughout the entire year – you will observe that there has been a major acceleration of teaching and training – and many people have thanked us and said that being on the zoom prayers has become for them even better than being at a physical conference which would only be a few days long. The reason for most of them was because instead of waiting to attend on a yearly basis, the prayer and teaching was a digital daily event, the revelation was continuing each day and many testified and are still giving testimony, that their lives and the lives of people in their families have changed. The common theme for most was that they really love prayer in a new way, they increasingly love the scriptures and have a whole new outlook on their relationship with the Lord due to these zoom calls. Many have testified that their lives will never be the same again.
We would like to take this opportunity to say Thank You to everyone for pushing through 2020 with us, we appreciate everyone that is part of the Ariel Gate family, and those that have joined themselves to us so faithfully in prayer throughout the year!
As we are now ending the year our physical meetings and the zoom meetings on the Wednesday and Sunday mornings will end on the 13, and 16 December 2020 respectively. We plan to meet on Thursday 31 December 2020 to pray into the year 2021.
Remaining Meetings for 2020:
Wednesday meetings: 16 December 2020 @ 10:30
Sunday meetings: 13 December 2020 @ 10:30
Thursday meeting: 31 December 2020 @ 10:30
The office will be closed from Thursday, 17 December 2020 and will reopen on Wednesday, 6 January 2021.
Our first meetings for 2021:
Wednesday meetings will begin on the 6 January 2021 @ 10:30
and Sunday meetings will begin on the 10 January 2021 @ 10:30.
We hope you all have a good rest, a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
We will continue on Zoom until the Lord releases us!