Apostle Natasha started our Next Generation conference with the statement, “This is the generation that will face anti-Christ. Are you ready?”
“That’s a bit heavy for our first meeting!”, I thought to myself. After all, we were here to encourage, envision and prepare a group of young people to lay hold of their God-given destiny. But her comments were met with whistles and shouts of excitement – these people were ready for a fight. They knew they were born for such a time as this and they could not wait to do what God had planned for them, they just needed direction and someone to tell them how and what to do.
As I continued to listen to Apostle Natasha confront and challenge us, I began to get a vision. A generation of people who know their God, having solid foundations in His Word, equipped and activated to war and administrate in the spirit realm with wisdom and protocol. A people who know how to be ONE body and move under command to devastate the plans of the enemy. A people who have no other gods beside Him. A people who embrace the way of the cross… I believe that this is the generation arising in the earth today and I am destined to be a part of it!
God planned for us to be alive at this time – John the Baptist is not here, Peter and Paul are not here, Elijah is not here. It was not written for Moses, Abraham or David to be alive in 2011 – but God chose you and I before the foundation of the earth to be alive in this hour. And what’s more, we AGREED! Before we were sent to earth (out of heaven), we agreed that we wanted to be born into this generation.We agreed with the destiny that God had chosen for us. Some of us just got amnesia!
So if I am part of the generation that is going to face anti-Christ – I need to make sure that I am getting equipped. I am on a journey – I have determined to fulfil all that God has written about me in my book in heaven. I want to be a part of that end-time army, I want my life to make a difference. I know that many of you feel the same way. That is why I started this blog, we can learn much from each other through dialogue and comment.
God has graciously positioned me among some spiritual giants that have taught me so much. In this blog I want to share some of their wisdom and teachings that have impacted my life. I want to share the journey with all those of you out there who can say with Paul, “Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ.” Philippians 3:8
Thank you so much for hosting the conference we had and for starting this blog. The conference was life changing to say the least. I remember the castor oil part so well, I had to visit the toilet more often than always for three days after the conference, so I’m sure that castor oil in the spirit did its work. I have now started going to the ministry house since I know that is where God wants me to learn, serve and grow to fulfill His Kingdom purposes. May the Lord bless you all! Shalom!
Wow yes all the way forward for God the exitement i experience during and after conf is just getting better and i’m having a jol with this new me
What an amazing weekend! I’m still cutting my teeth on the first night’s teaching on ‘Honour’!! 🙂 Excited about this blog. Come on ‘Next Generation’ lets be heard! x
Honour is such a key issue in the Kingdom and yet so little is taught about it. You can only receive when you honour…