Johannesburg, South Africa
25 – 29 April 2018

“Simeon hath declared how God at the first did visit the Gentiles, to take out of them a people for his name.”  (Acts 15:14)


“Is this house, which is called by my name, become a den of robbers in your eyes? Behold even I have seen it, saith the LORD. But go ye now unto my place which was in Shiloh, whee I set my name at the first, and see what I did to it for the wickedness of my people Israel.” (Jeremiah 7:10-11)

On behalf of Apostle Natasha Grbich, we extend an invitation for you to attend our upcoming Convention being, 25 – 29 April 2018, The People Of The Name (Acts 15:14).

This is going to be an very significant convention for us as the House of Ariel Gate, as this will be our 22nd Convention in Johannesburg at the Good News Convention Centre. This is going to be an incredible conference – the 22nd and last letter of the Hebrew alphabet corresponds to the English letter ‘T’, and it is the ‘TAV’. The ‘tavah’ or the seal of the Lord is placed upon those who sigh and cry over the abominations committed in the land, according to Ezekiel 9. This is the year of righteousness – 2018 – the number 18 is tzedek, and corresponds to the Melchizedek name.  This very year on the 22nd day of the second month, the actual clay seal of Isaiah the prophet was found and released in Jerusalem, Israel. That same day Dutch Sheets declared that the prayer movement had begun a new era! That very weekend at Ariel Gate we were presenting our school on Travailing Intercession! “You can’t make this stuff up!” says Apostle Timothy Carscadden!  We must also be going to deal with the key of David Isaiah 22:22! Pull up your prophetic socks!


We have an incredible line up of speakers for our convention.

They are: 

Dr R Heard (USA)
Apostle Timothy Carscadden (USA)
Apostle Franz Lippi (Austria)
John E Thomas (USA)
Apostle Zachary Wazara (Zimbabwe)
Apostle Natasha Grbich (South Africa)

The excitement for this particular conference has been building with people phoning in dreams, visions, words and just the general feeling that the Lord is definitely up to something in this conference, more than any other time! Something is different they are all reporting! This is going to be one of those that you will not want to miss!

We look forward to seeing you with us very soon!