We are continuing to pray and repent with Part 2 of the Prayer & Repentance In Respect Of Antichrist Spirit:
Some territory has been retaken for Christ in our hearts but it is not a finished work in us yet.
The nations still do not belong to God. so we are continuing.
DAY 11:
We are praying and repenting for ourselves as individuals, our families and generationally, the Body of Christ – the Church, our nation. As we keep praying and repenting, May God give us nations as His inheritance. May He use our prayers and repentance to build His Kingdom. We are growing in capacity but it is the Lord’s battle and we are following Him.
Remember to take communion and you can use the covering prayers in the Repentance book as well
The Book “Spiritual Warfare Battle Plan by Jennifer le Claire” (1) has been used as a reference for these prayers.
Page 111 …. “Resentment, bitterness and unforgiveness are related – and the Bible has plenty to say about this trio of tormenters. …… The following definitions come from Meriam-Webster’s dictionary. Resent is ‘a feeling of indignant displeasure or persistent ill will at something regarded as a wrong, insult or injury.’ The residue of resentment builds up over time if we are not quick to forgive. You can also be resentful toward places and things.
Bitterness is associated with being angry or unhappy…… To forgive is ‘to stop feeling anger toward (someone who has done something wrong:; to stop blaming (someone); to stop requiring payment. …… The bible commands us to forgive and warns us what will happen if we don’t; we will be delivered to the torturers (Math 18:21-35). Unforgiveness gives the enemy a right to torture, torment and trouble your soul.”
Page 112 “Bitterness isn’t always tied to major offenses. I have witnessed believers getting offended over slight corrections, unreturned phone calls, and even the way certain people say Holy Spirit. I have heard about believers getting offended over new relationships forming, being asked to sit out travel trips or not being invited into a back-room meeting.”
Page 113 …. “A spirit of offense is rising and running rampant through the church. Those who are easily offended are candidates for the great falling away. Those who cultivate and maintain an unoffendable heart will escape many of the assignments the enemy will launch in the days to come.”
Many of God’s people are wrestling in their flesh, engaging in works of the flesh and otherwise letting the flesh lead in battle – and they are battling flesh instead of the spirits influencing the flesh. This is the result of offence.”
- Heb 12:14-15 Repent for defiling yourself and others in allowing bitterness to seed itself and grow, producing a harvest.
- Repent for unforgiveness and holding grudges.
- Choose to forgive and ask God to help you to fully and truly forgive.
- Don’t just do a general prayer. Ask God to put His light on all the painful unforgiven areas in you and be willing to deal with the issues. Sometimes the pain and betrayal is so deep, that to forgive fully and be healed is a process.
- Repent for being offended and ask God to expose the hidden offenses in your heart.
- Ask God to expose every motive and every antichrist thought pattern in you in order to bring this into His light. Use His promptings to repent and ask God to break the patterns in you of offense, bitterness, anger, unforgiveness.
- Repent for all offence, bitterness, anger towards God. Holding grudges against God. Before you say that is not me, it is not in me – ask God to expose your heart to you. There will be areas in your life of disappointment, trauma, belief of abandonment by God and definitely in your generational dna.
- Ask the Lord to bring deep healing in your spirit, soul and body that you are able to love God with all your heart, mind and strength.
1 Spiritual Warfare Battle Plan, Jennifer leClaire, Charisma House