How To Stop The Pain

We all experience pain!  Every day millions of people live in a world of heartache.  We’re forced to smile and pretend that everything is all right.  You’ve been wounded, and you can’t seem to heal.  You try to get on with your life, but you just can’t move on.  You forgive, but you can’t forget!  Every day exhumes the pain you try to bury.  It cripples your relationship with people, God, and life itself.  It destroys your ability to pursue your dreams.

Excerpt out of book:

“Finding fault is not the work of the Holy Spirit.  It is not a spiritual gift.  It is neither inspired by God nor led by God.  Finding fault is the product of fear, low self-worth, and anger.  It is a vain attempt to end pain by controlling and forcing others to change.  It is the source of more conflict and lost love than almost any other factor.  Our attempts to fix each other are killing us!  The proof is obvious.  Our attempts never work, but we refuse to consider the board in our own eye and continue to search for the sawdust in the eyes of others.  Even when change is needed, transformation doesn’t happen by focusing on what is wrong.”

This book will lead you step-by-step through a simple process that will free you from the pain of the past and protect you for the pain of the future.


Pain is Inevitable, Suffering is Optional

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