Repentance School

House of Ariel Gate: Johannesburg office 199 Die Vlei Pad, Rietfontein, Muldersdrift, Gauteng, South Africa

We recommend that you attend the session with the following items: Your Bible A Notebook Your own copy of the Repentance book - This will be used as the manual […]

Repentance School

House of Ariel Gate: Johannesburg office 199 Die Vlei Pad, Rietfontein, Muldersdrift, Gauteng, South Africa

We recommend that you attend the session with the following items: Your Bible A Notebook Your own copy of the Repentance book - This will be used as the manual […]

Repentance School

House of Ariel Gate: Johannesburg office 199 Die Vlei Pad, Rietfontein, Muldersdrift, Gauteng, South Africa

We recommend that you attend the session with the following items: Your Bible A Notebook Your own copy of the Repentance book - This will be used as the manual […]

Repentance School

House of Ariel Gate: Johannesburg office 199 Die Vlei Pad, Rietfontein, Muldersdrift, Gauteng, South Africa

We recommend that you attend the session with the following items: Your Bible A Notebook Your own copy of the Repentance book - This will be used as the manual […]


House of Ariel Gate: Johannesburg office 199 Die Vlei Pad, Rietfontein, Muldersdrift, Gauteng, South Africa

Final dates for Rosh Hashanah to be confirmed:   20-21 September 2025 or 27-28 September 2025

Rosh Hashanah Evening Event

House of Ariel Gate: Johannesburg office 199 Die Vlei Pad, Rietfontein, Muldersdrift, Gauteng, South Africa

Rosh Hashanah Evening Event:

Yom Kippur Evening

House of Ariel Gate: Johannesburg office 199 Die Vlei Pad, Rietfontein, Muldersdrift, Gauteng, South Africa

Our office & bookshop is open - everyone welcome. House of Ariel Gate will start our meetings at 10:30 (SA Time)   Streaming via Zoom: The above meeting will be […]

Repentance School

House of Ariel Gate: Johannesburg office 199 Die Vlei Pad, Rietfontein, Muldersdrift, Gauteng, South Africa

We recommend that you attend the session with the following items: Your Bible A Notebook Your own copy of the Repentance book - This will be used as the manual […]


More information on our Tabernacles event to follow:   Our office & bookshop is open - everyone welcome. House of Ariel Gate will start our meetings at 10:30 (SA Time) […]

Repentance School

House of Ariel Gate: Johannesburg office 199 Die Vlei Pad, Rietfontein, Muldersdrift, Gauteng, South Africa

We recommend that you attend the session with the following items: Your Bible A Notebook Your own copy of the Repentance book - This will be used as the manual […]

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