8 & 9 March 2019

Christian leaders from the Bronville community in the Free State, South Africa, invited Apostle Natasha to minister to them and to their community for the weekend.

This was such a special occasion for Apostle Natasha, as Bronville was the first place she was ever invited to minister, over 30 plus years ago. Many past connections were re-established during this weekend as the community was realigned with heaven.

What made this weekend so significant was the heavy mandate Apostle Natasha carried to reset the community of Bronville back to their original pattern and purpose, as God intended for them.  Apostle Natasha explained that they are called to be intercessors, because as the Khoi people, they carry the baton of the Moravian’s for houses of prayer for the Great Commission.

Prophetic administration of many visions, dreams, and words that were given was a dynamic that many had never experienced over their community before. One of the visions was about skipping foundational issues to try and go to more advanced revelations. The basic foundations needed to be returned to as the result was that they had almost lost their identity listening to many voices over the years, without seeking the Lord for His direction. She also explained that they need to raise a standard in the community and that it was their responsibility to educate the generations.

During one of the sessions we entered into a crucial place of repentance.  Apostle Natasha called all the leaders to stand in repentance, after no breakthrough happened she stood in the gap for them, repenting for them and answering all accusations in the spirit realm that were held against them. Finally there was such breakthrough into an open heaven.

During the Saturday evening session Apostle Natasha was able to release a new level of intercession and people took on the mandate of being watchmen on the wall for their community. It did start to rain, and by Sunday there was a significant storm downpour indicating the shift had actually happened. The seers confirmed that the “womb” of the Body of Christ in Bronville and the surrounding area had been cleansed – the welcome rains were a direct manifestation.

We are trusting that there will be a significant transformation in Bronville in the months and years to come. A very big thank you to all the leaders and others that were part of arranging this community gathering!

All the glory belongs  to the Lord!