We are using the book by Sandie Freed – Conquering The Antichrist Spirit* as a guideline and for informational purposes. 

Read:  Mathew 7:21

“Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven will enter.  Ask the Lord to help us to do His Will and to have a passion to fulfil His heart purposes.”

Read:  John 2:17

“May we pray as King David did ‘the zeal for your house consume me”.  We repent for being consumed by zeal for our own purposes, passions, lusts and desires.  Ask God to develop a zeal within us for His purposes and we be on fire,  as individuals, as generations, as the church of Christ and as the nation.”

Read:  Mathew 4:17

“Repent for the kingdom of heaven is near.  Pray that God would give us gift of repentance as individuals, generations, church of Jesus Christ and the nation.  May Christ grant an incredible sound of true repentance to be heard across this nation.”

Read:  Mathew 12:28

“Jesus said but If I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.”   Let us repent for not recognizing the Kingdom of God every time it has come close to us.   Ask God to cast out all demonic influence in our lives which hinders the Kingdom of God from manifesting.”

Pray through Psalm 91 for you, your generations and family; the church of Christ and this nation. As you pray through this scripture, engage with the Holy Spirit and allow Him to guide you.

May God have His kingdom manifest in us.  May Christ break down the structures of the antichrist in us, generationally, in the church of Christ and in this nation.


*Conquering The Antichrist Spirit, Sandie Freed, Chosen Books a division of Baker Publishing Group