We are using the book by Sandie Freed – Conquering The Antichrist Spirit* as a guideline and for informational purposes. (page 211)

Read:  2 Corinthians 2:14 -15

We repenting first of all for not being thankful, being ungrateful and unthankful for what God has done in us and our lives and generationally, also as the body of Christ – we have taken Gods mercy and works for granted and developed hard hearts rooted in ingratitude.  May His Holy Spirit give us soft hearts, new hearts.

Let us be turn to the Lord with thanksgiving and gratitude who has caused us to triumph in Christ and makes manifest the Saviour and His fragrance in us to those around us and the atmosphere we are supposed to be carriers of – His Kingdom.

Jesus said that His sheep would hear His voice and follow Him.   Repent for ourselves, our generations, the Church and this nation for following other voices.

Read:  John 10:27

Ask God to empower us, the church of South Africa to hear, recognize and follow His voice.


*Conquering The Antichrist Spirit, Sandie Freed, Chosen Books a division of Baker Publishing Group