We are using the book by Sandie Freed – Conquering The Antichrist Spirit* as a guideline and for informational purposes. 

Read:  Numbers 13:21  –  Wilderness of Zin

Zin has been referred to as the ‘flatlands’ of the desert.  This could be those times where we fall flat in the faith.”    From this desert the 12 spies are sent and return with no faith to overcome.  They believe what their eyes have seen and cannot believe what God is saying to them. Faithless, fearful and overwhelmed they return and 10 spies give a negative report.  The whole camp wished they had rather died in Egypt.”* (page 160)

“God measured the progress of their hearts and declared they would die in the wilderness for their attitudes and sin.  And they did.  An entire generation had to die so that a new breed, under the headship of Joshua, would be empowered to go in and possess the Promised Land.”* (page 162)

  • Repent for unbelief and faithlessness. Believing God is no match for the circumstance and the enemy against you.
  • Ask the Lord to heal our hearts and help us by His Spirit to be measured to the right measure and sound of faithfulness and belief in our hearts – being pleasing to God.
  • Ask the Lord to raise up Joshuas and Calebs in our generations, in the church and in this nation.
  • Repent for not seeing what God is doing but only focusing on what the enemy shows us.
  • Ask the Lord to heal our eyes to see what He is doing and to do what He shows us to do.
*Conquering The Antichrist Spirit, Sandie Freed, Chosen Books a division of Baker Publishing Group