We are working through scriptures and repenting for the iniquity and wickedness formed in us through all the ages. The iniquity empowers an ungodly antichrist system to operate and as we repenting, we are taking responsibility for the sin, transgression and iniquity as individuals, as families, generationally, as the nation and as the Body of Christ.




 Some information has been used from this book “Spirit of Python” by Jentezen Franklin ISBN978-1-62136-220-3.

Jentzen Franklin in his book Spirit of Python book gives 6 landmarks to identify if you are possibly under attack:

  • Loss of spiritual desire – heart losing its passion for God. This is a very subtle slow methodical squeeze.
  • Physical fatigue, losing desire to live – especially after winning a battle or about to win a victory.
  • Resources drying up simultaneously
  • Weakening prayer life.Prayer is a discipline and takes faith and persistence.
  • Sense of being overwhelmed and hopeless in your circumstances
  • Old iniquities/old habits try to resurface in your life.


The antichrist spirit can wear the saints down according to Daniel 7:25 – 27, these scriptures reveal that the fight is about kingdoms and overcoming.  We are in a war and we are fighting battles daily.  The enemy has his own weapons, demonic structures and ranks of demonic forces to work out strategies to bind God’s people so they cannot function.  The Python spirit is one of those and we need to understand how to fight back and understand how did we get here.   This spirit is not just interested in binding one person, its goal is to bind families, nations and territories.  What it can do in you and I, it can do in a nation, territory, family etc.

Look at yourself, the community, the Body of Christ, the nation.  Is the spiritual passion for God burning vigorously or is it a fight, sometimes daily, to have His fire burning in our hearts, a passion to do His Will.  Look around, are people tired, not wanting to push through, wanting to give up.  It is easier to settle for a ‘grace’ gospel which tells me everything is ok because it won’t require any energy, push, passion from me.

Resources drying up –  perhaps the enemy of God wants us to focus on our lack which will demoralize, drain away and overwhelm us.  Then it becomes easier to program our thinking to build for the wrong kingdom. Perhaps God has allowed the dryness because He is looking for our focus to shift onto Him.

Have old iniquities and habits slowly begun to arise.  Can you hear the pythons voice assuring you of your failure to overcome and hold the territory.

Father I repent for losing heart and belief in you.  I repent for becoming lukewarm which is part of the antichrist’s purpose – for if I am lukewarm, you will spit me out and if I represent the nation, the nation is spat out.  I repent for wanting others to pray and for not staying in a discipline of your Word, prayer and intercession.  I repent for giving space in my thinking for old iniquities / habits / familiar spirits to arise again.  These spirits were overcome and dealt with and they are looking for entry points to re-establish their territory.  I repent Lord for slumbering and not hearing your voice Holy Spirit.

Help us Lord, this nation, the body of Christ, the generations to repent and REMEMBER who you are.  “age 19 says this “ Do not forget who made you.  God created you with storms in mind.  He designed you to be weatherproof.  Let the winds blow, let the storms rage.  You are going to make it through in Him.  Ps 92:12.  Micah 7:8  psalm 18:2 Psalm 61:3.    I repent for turning away from you Lord.

Help us Lord to regain the territory we lost through prayerlessness and wrong intercession. I repent for the ungodly trading through my generations, thus having built strongholds of iniquity and prayerlessness generationally.   Holy Spirit change us, remark us with  the prayers of Christ and anoint us again to raise up prayer altars on the earth which are grounded in Christ, the Risen King.

Don’t place yourself in isolation.  Psalm 20:1-2 Eccles 4:9-10.  The antichrist spirit wants us to become isolated in our thinking, and then worked out into our lives.

You are a living scroll on the earth. Turn and grip God’s promises for His priesthood, His Church, His Kingdom.  Hope deferred makes the heart sick Prov 13:12.

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen Heb 11:1

Holy Spirit, there are understandings, strategies and a lifestyle we need to embrace and learn to walk in so that the kingdoms of this world, in our lives, become the kingsdoms of Christ.  Help us to grow in sanctification and salvation in the purposes of Christ through His sacrifice on the Cross of Calvary.

May God grip the head and tail of the python spirit and unwind it off us as a nation and as the Body of Christ as we repent and turn …………