11 & 12 May 2019

By Mieki Luff-Botha

We were still in the glory cloud of the conference that we had in May. Cape Town had the privilege of hosting Apostle Natasha, Apostle Timothy Carscadden and Fransi van Wyk in Mitchells Plain, on the 11th and 12th of May.  

Their visit settled the weight of the conference held in Johannesburg, and laid an even deeper foundation in us again. It reminded me of 1 Timothy 6: 18-19:  “Instruct them to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous, willing to share (with others).  In this way storing up for themselves the enduring riches of a good foundation for the future, so that they make take hold of that which is truly life.”

We were reminded to hear the intercession of heaven that must agree with our intercession here on earth.  If that is not the case, confusion will be stirred up.  Furthermore we were challenged to live a disciplined life of prayer and fasting.  We need to let God continue to deal with us, it may be painful, but otherwise we will never change.

Apostle Natasha shared the cheap grace quote, alias  “ggggoedkoop gggenade”from Dietrich Bonnhoefer and asked if this has allowed Hitler to operate, what is “cheap grace” now inviting into our world in our time? She also shared how demons have pathways and our thoughts can be invitations for them to feed on. Take your thoughts captive!

Apostle Tim shared an excellent word from the life of Joseph and the call went out to us to keep passing the character test. 

On Sunday, Mother’s day, we enjoyed double blessings:
Apostle Natasha; shared on honouring your father and mother and how that is linked to our inheritance.  
Fransi van Wyk; was anointed to share her testimony We were privileged to drink in healing and encouragement from the Holy Spirit through the restoration of what God has done in her personal and ministerial life. She shared from her own life experience and we were filled with hope.  Victimhood is a choice and we are more than overcomers through Christ Jesus!  Indeed God takes a negative and turns it into a showpiece for His glory!
Timothy Carscadden; was the prophet for this session giving a word for the area and the people.

May this appetizer stir you on to listen to the CD’s!

Feedback received:

“Thank you Lord I was really blessed and uplifted this afternoon.  I again felt Your Presence in our midst.  Thank you Lord!” 
MA Manno


“I was just so blessed and is at awe at what I’ve learned with what God is busy doing through Apostle Natasha.  It was for me truly a wake-up call” 
A. Schuurman


“I thank God for everything what Apostle Natasha was saying I can really relate to a lot of things and Apostle Tim, when you bring that word that you really want your spouse to be on the same level  you are on, I stood up and plant my seed and guess what? – In the same week God work in my husband, I was so stunned by the works and moving had of God”

“I came the Sunday, Mother’s day, but it really changed me – it was what was mentioned. What if God asked you a question e.g. “What do you want Me to do for you?” and at that very moment I could not answer; so it was sad that we cannot answer because we are in trauma.  I can really say that changed a lot for me.” 
R van Roodt

Thank you for everyone who attended, we are becoming more and more a close knit family & also we are indeed witnesses of “Who is like our God?”