Report From Global Gathering – Munich, Germany
11-5-2015 9:03:28 AM
25 – 28 October 2015

Apostle Natasha and her team retuned from the awesome gathering, with a new level of intercession for the nations!

For we shall be called the House of Prayer for Nations…

“At this critical hour in the destiny of the nations, the Lord is calling the Body of Christ to gather together. He is calling us to worship Him and allow Him to knit our hearts together. As we wait upon Him He will reveal the secrets of His heart. Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but He reveals His secrets unto His servants. . .
[Amos 3:7]

The Father is preparing a global family, fit for Him to dwell amongst. His resting place will be glorious.
[Isaiah 11:10]

This was a appointed time to seek His agenda as we lay down our agendas. It was not a time to see what we could get from the Lord, but a time to give ourselves to Him. As we, the Bride of Christ, are preparing for the soon-coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Bridegroom, the Lord is removing the curse over the land, by restoring the hearts of the fathers to the children and the children to the fathers.
[Malachi 4:6]

The desire of our Father’s heart is for His family to come into alignment with His Kingdom, and to be carriers of His presence in—and to—all nations.”