27 July 2019
By Irene Venter
“Experiencing God” the recent 5th Prayer Training Day was one of those memorable meetings. Attendees described that they experienced an awesome level of impartation, valuable equipping and experiential learning during the teaching of Apostle Natasha Grbich.
She described prayer by means of powerful analogies such as the relationship between a toddler and his parent or even a married couple’s interaction and what their communication would sound and look like. Her teaching equipped the participants with simple but powerful, and also many said practical prayer tools that has already changed the way that many pray.
The House of Ariel Gate was privileged to host Nonhlanhla Maseko-Gcabashe, the founder of Hike & Pray and about 90 members of their Gauteng branch of Hike & Pray, as well as a few other representatives from the Durban and Cape Town Hike and Pray groups.
Hike & Pray is the gathering of women with their “walking sticks” who explore hiking trails and going up mountains praying for our country – their walking sticks kept manifesting in many visions that Ariel Gate has been getting since the May conference!
Apostle Natasha asked the leaders of the group to sing a song with their sings and she asked them to hit the sticks onto the ground! They started to sing and hit the sticks around the pulpit and they began to experience travail and birthing, and so did the audience! It was during this practical demonstration that there was a release of a powerful sound (combination of the singing and sticks) that unleashed a travailing over several ladies and the rest of the congregation followed soon. This sound is still reverberating in us today!! The manifested presence of God was so tangible.
It was surely an “Experience” that many will remember for years to come!!
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