Sam & Martha (also known as Living Lights) is a duo based in South Africa. Their heart and passion is to engage Christian believers in prayer and intimacy with God. Their songs are written from personal experiences of surrender, sacrifice and the desire to give everything to God and have Him share His heart through Scripture.


Who Is Sam & Martha  (“Living Lights”)?

Martha and Samuel Simalenga, the lead singers, have been married since June 2014. They met while studying in University and have been writing and singing together since 2012.
They are connected to the House of Ariel Gate through our Polokwane group, under the leadership of Brix Rapholo – The Samuel Company.  Martha was part of the original group with Brix and others who started a church in their school.

Samuel & Martha’s (Known as Living Lights) debut CD: Faith
Now available at Ariel Gate Bookshop
(Only R100)

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