19 – 20 October 2019
By Tersia Goosen
From the start of the year 5780 with Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, Apostle Natasha’s revelation of the Feasts of the Lord was on another level. Continuing from Yom Kippur, Apostle Natasha started The Feast of Tabernacles asking the questions, “Who is The Lamb?”, “What does Sacrifice mean?”, and “Why do we keep the Feasts?”.
Apostle Natasha explains who John, the Baptist is and how he fits into the lineage of the priesthood, the revelation of Jesus in the Feasts, and the protocol Jesus followed to fulfil His role as our Great High Priest (Hebrews 8:2-5), according to the order of Melchizedek.
God fulfils His patterns and Jesus fulfils God’s patterns. Apostle Natasha gave in detail the revelation of the pattern of the tabernacle. This is not the “normal”message of the tabernacle of Moses, we typically hear. She explained how Jesus followed the protocol of the tabernacle to pave a way for us and where and how we fit into our role as priests. There is so much we do not understand in our role as priests, in the kingdom of priests, for instance, what does the psalmist mean when he says, “may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice”, in Psalm 141:2?
Apostle Natasha explained what and who is our foundation. Are we sure that our foundation is “rock solid” or are we “hanging in the air?” She then goes on to explain the meaning and significance of the number 5, and how this follows through from the Old Testament to the New Testament. Do we know if we have all the pieces of our priestly garments on?
The Tabernacle is all about patterns and shadows. The revelation that Apostle Natasha presented to us this year at The Feast of Tabernacles is clearly a pattern for those who seek to present themselves as priests, in the kingdom of priests to God Almighty, without spot or wrinkle.
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